HEY PEOPLE!!! We are late!!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Welcome to the Peak District National Park

Welcome to the Peak district national park, a huge extension declared world heritage... very close to Derby!

On Saturday the 12th of aougust, We took the car and this is the first thing we saw once there!

We walked a bit around, although I could´t walk alot because I don´t know what´s wrong with my foot but it hurts a lot as soon as I star doing anything related with using it!

There was a nice river so we followed it...

Well..the truth is that we barely walked one hour, but but but! it was nice anyway! At the end, when we were returning back to our car, we saw those little sheeps...well, they weren´t little, but it was cute to write it!
Ant this is FREEDOM!! Guess which is the most important part of the pic?? me or the landscape...of course me!! hehehe!! as you can see it was huge and really beautiful!

And, as a final pic..this was yesterday night, while we were cooking a delicious salmon and a tiramisu that it´s still resting!! It´s a kind of artistic picture, using a big window as a mirror and...oh well... I just basically wanted to take it!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Friendship... !!!

Well, I just want to show you what Ursula, my bestfriend, does when she´s bored at home!! The sweet part of all these pics is when I receive one mail with one of this pics and I think that somebody in Barcelona is doing this to make me laugh... Isnt she sweet? FRIENDSHIP IS A TREASURE!!!
We went to a Coast village called Sant Pol de Mar (Saint Paul of the sea) and we did some pics which she modified a bit!
And these are my thoughts when I´m very tired at the top of the mountain...

Ant those are her thoughts when she is, i don´t know if tired, at the top of the mountain!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A weekend in Wales!

Hello Guys!! more pics and more of my stories! this time...about WALES! where we went with Marc this last weekend!!!

We rented a car, and in 2 hours and a half we reached the town of Llandudno, a very beautiful town! It was like...the typical town of the 19th century... with porchs (porchos in spanish but i don´t know how to translate!), all the houses with the same style, even the big hotels were cute! I loved it! I thing it´s fantastic that smth like this still exists!

On sunday we decided to do a bit of hiking, so we went to SNOWDON, the highest mountain of wales. The problem is that we couldn´t find a parking for the car next to the peak, so we finally parked the car quite far away from there. Moreover, my left foot is hurting a lot since I was in Vienna, so I really couldn´t climb a lot! Finally we climbed a "hill"..well, it took 20 minutes, so u can imagine that our excursion wasn´t hard at all!! but we had fun!! and we stayed on the top for more than one hour, and we had lunch there!!

THe best thing....maybe the views!!
This is Marc climbing a rock...yes.a fake mountain and a fake pic! But...have u noticed that it´s sunny???

Yes!! this is MEEEEEE!!!! it was windy, but i´m wearing just a shirt and shorts, which is really great!!
So, you know... if you never want to go to Wales...you know! it´s great!

Monday, August 07, 2006

What about Derby??

That´s what you can discover in Derby...if you need to do some exercise... and it´s sunny, and you decide to take the bike and dress with some sport clothes!
This is Marc´s garden by the way!

That´s what you can see when you are in front of Marc´s place! he lives in one of these little and cute houses! Just In front, when you open the front door, there´s a huge park, it´s like a big football field!
and...if you continue with your bike...crossing a bridge...you will find this! green and more green stuff around! parks and more parks! and if you come from a big city as Barcelona, I tell you that a bit of green stuff it´s always welcome!

And finally, crossing the river back you can get home again, and u´ve been doing a nice bike tour, and you feel tired, but with your lungs full of fresh air! and this is great!!
As a reminder, I´M IN DERBY!! ENGLAND!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Some great days in Vienna!

Ok! I decided to put here some pics!

As some of you already know, JAcqueline, ANdrea and me met last week in VIena!

Andrea and me arrived on the 23rd of july (sunday) and we stayed 2 nights in Viena!

Sunday the 23th:

We ate in a place with shops with food from everywhere! we used a kitchen clothe to put on the grass and eat our picnic while watching in a huge screen Carmina Burana!

Monday the 24th:

We rent some bike, so we did a bike tour around VIena, and it was so great! it´s a very good idea that thing with bikes, we are trying to do it in barcelona, but i don´t know if it´s working or not!

At night we had a fantastic dinner at home, I cooked some chiken with prunes and carrots and although andrea and Jacqueline already had tryied it, ANdrew (jacqs boyfriend) and Heidi (jacqs friend)

Tuesday the 25th

We went to Graz! yes, adrea´s city! so we stayed in her place! it was s nice because we got to knew where she lives! you know, now I can imagine her, and this is fantastitc! so we visited graz which is a very nice city, and we went to a sunflower festival, we ate there and had some fun!

Wednesday the 26th
Wines country! let´s see...there´s a region in Austria known as the wines country...you go to a nice and typical Austrian restaurant, and you try some chesee, wines, and more delicious things! mmmmm...and some cake if in two days is some girl birthday!!

The three amigas!

Around 6 pm, we said goodbye to ANdrea, It was sad, but i´ll see you in a few months! so I just wanted to be happy for the nice days that we pent together!

Thursday the 27th

But On thursday...saying goodbye to Jacqueline, mi pequenita...was a bit more difficult...it´s like when you say goodbye without knowing when are you going to see that person again...ad when this someone is somebody you love...it´s quite difficult. I just hope to see you again, and I wish you all the best...take care little Jacqueline!

PS: as you can see...I´m even more tanned!! hehehe

I WILL SAY GOODBYE TO EVERYBODY! this days in viena made me feel so happy...and i´m really looking forward to see you guys in my place! I´ll prepare everything, it will be perfect and i promise you will enjoy!