HEY PEOPLE!!! We are late!!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A weekend in Wales!

Hello Guys!! more pics and more of my stories! this time...about WALES! where we went with Marc this last weekend!!!

We rented a car, and in 2 hours and a half we reached the town of Llandudno, a very beautiful town! It was like...the typical town of the 19th century... with porchs (porchos in spanish but i don´t know how to translate!), all the houses with the same style, even the big hotels were cute! I loved it! I thing it´s fantastic that smth like this still exists!

On sunday we decided to do a bit of hiking, so we went to SNOWDON, the highest mountain of wales. The problem is that we couldn´t find a parking for the car next to the peak, so we finally parked the car quite far away from there. Moreover, my left foot is hurting a lot since I was in Vienna, so I really couldn´t climb a lot! Finally we climbed a "hill"..well, it took 20 minutes, so u can imagine that our excursion wasn´t hard at all!! but we had fun!! and we stayed on the top for more than one hour, and we had lunch there!!

THe best thing....maybe the views!!
This is Marc climbing a rock...yes.a fake mountain and a fake pic! But...have u noticed that it´s sunny???

Yes!! this is MEEEEEE!!!! it was windy, but i´m wearing just a shirt and shorts, which is really great!!
So, you know... if you never want to go to Wales...you know! it´s great!


  • At 6:13 AM, Blogger moi.elise said…

    hahaha. Have you checked the link to "my" blog? Do it! I'll probably change mine soon...

  • At 6:15 AM, Blogger moi.elise said…

    Well, check also yours!

  • At 9:07 AM, Blogger Eli "Hey PEOPLE!!!" said…

    Fuck! i ve forgotten the dot!! i´ll try again! but this was so funny!


  • At 9:15 AM, Blogger Lukas said…

    Hey Eli,
    Wow, I also wanted to go to Wales! I seems really nice, especially because the weather is better than here! Qué asco! Our summer is over and I am depressed. I never went swimming this year! Qué lástima!

  • At 1:19 PM, Blogger Alena said…

    Hi Eli,
    every nice picture. I envy you that you are in Wales and there are nice wheater. I am freez. Here is so cold.
    Have a nice time in Wales.


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