HEY PEOPLE!!! We are late!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

ERASMUS MEETING: all the info that you need!


Ok, the thing is…one day, talking with Lukas we said….Oh, we really would like to see the Erasmus people again!! So, why not try to organise a meeting? The idea was exiting, and our minds start thinking and thiking…we decided to make it! Organise it and tell everybody, to make it easier and to manage to join as many of you as possible!! We made some decisions because everybody nows, organising for a lot of people it’s quite difficult, so somebody needs to start, and we really wanted to do it! Hope everybody will be fine about that, and that you don’t mind!!! SOOOOOO, and after one week talking every day about this…I’m going to tell you the conclusions!!!


Ei, I haven’t decided it ok, although of course for me it’s perfect! Elisa and Lukas said that was a very good place….WONDERFUL BARCELONA!!!

I know I know, you are thinking, why there? Well, we had 2 options, either to go to a new city for everybody or to one of our cities, and we thought that is great to have someone there to show us the city and above all, visit our friends’s cities sounds great! And I just imagined you walking along Bcn and….fffffff…..fantastic!

So, Barcelona Is basically a big city with cheap flights from almost everywhere and train from Valencia, easy to find place to sleep, things to visit and places to go out, and I think most of you haven’t been there, and anyway, If you have been there this time will be better!!! :p !!! so we thought that it’s a good option!!


As we need to book in advance and bla bla bla… we will see each other on NOVEMBER!!!

And you are asking…but when? Ok, we said that as we are a lot of people and it’s difficult to decide we wanted to decide the month, but not the weekend, so now, VERY IMPORTANT!!! we have to choose…we offer 2 different weekends in November, so all of you should answer SAYING WHICH ONE OF THE WEEKENDS DO YOU PREFER, OK? THE FINAL ON WILL BE THE MOST POPULAR, OF COURSE!!

And we decided a dateline to make the decision, the 30th of July!! So, hurry up!! And…as we now nobody nows anything about November, probably for most of you doesen’t matter which one, and the you can make your other plans around that, ok? After the 30th, we will say the winner weekend!!

Option 1:

10, 11, 12 of November (fri, sat, sun)

Option 2:

17, 18, 19 of November


As some of you can loose this email or whatever, I will put all the information in my blog


SO PLEASE, POST A COMMENT SAYING WHICH WEEKEND DO YOU PREFER!!! It’s better like this because my blog can be like a place of discussion, with all the info and …well…maybe it’s selfish…but I don’t want to receive thousand of e mails!! Hehehe!!!


The original idea is to spend a weekend, as we have uni, work, etc, etc. So, from Friday till Sunday for sure!

But, as it’s a good opportunity to see each other, if you want you can stay longer, coming earlier or leaving later, as you want!! I can ask for a free day in my 2 jobs….(hope so!) And I will be glad to do that!


I would like to offer my place, but this is impossible basically because uless you’d like to sleep inside the wardrobe there’s not enough space….but there are some good youth hostels, and we won’t have problems finding one and of curse, I’ll come and sleep with you there!!


Lukas, Elisa and Me tried to think the best option and the best way to organise it, but…come one, although almost everything is set already, if there is someone who knows that on November it’s impossible to meet, say it of course!! If there’s no option we can change it ok? But if not, we will go on!!

Anything, just write me!


For Sure:

LUKAS!!! The fantastic swiss boy who likes cooking and having everything clean!! And with a nice ass!

ELISA!!! The nice girl from Valencia (catalan countries) who’s always saying…mmmm…no.

ANDREA!!! Coming directly from Austria, she will help me as she has already been in Barcelona!!

HENRIIKKA!!! Yes, I love her father as he will pay everything for her because he things that this is an important meeting!! The disaster girl! The rock girl! The childishs and innocent Henriikka. The only problem is...who’s going to pack for her this time?

ELI!!! Well, should I say smth about me? Talkative, energetic and I don’t know people!

Alena and Deb are quite agree, they just need to check the flights!

We know that people like…well, we know, they will decide on the last minute, but those who want to come for sure want to buy the flights now, and pay as less as possible, that’s why we are doing it so soon!!!


Please! Try to make it! It will be wonderful to meet again! And talk, and do silly things, and visit some places, and go out!!! PLEASEEEE!!!






  • At 6:12 AM, Blogger moi.elise said…

    Well, I'm already included, but I just wanted to say... Eli, well done! I'm so excited about the meeting! I'm sure we'll do it and a loooooot of people will come!! We have a chance to bring a bit of Erasmus back. That's great! Party!!
    Kisses to all of you,

    P.S. My friends, you should think about the money you've got now, as it would be cheaper to buy a flight now than in November.

    I don't think we'll spend as much in accomodation as we spent in Logh Lomond, because this is in CATALONIA and in EUROS. And it's NOT high season. I think we have all the requirements to make it cheaper.

    Ooooh! It will be great!

  • At 7:25 AM, Blogger Lukas said…

    Hi Eli,
    I am happy you like my ass; yours is exquisite as well! No, honest, the mail was really very funny and very motivating. Erasmus is living on in you! As you already know, I will definetly come to see your beautiful city (After your compliment I think I need to do some mooing there...). If would prefer the second weekend, but it doesn't matter that much to me. To everyone else reading this: Come on, join in, it will be great! Eli will be there - what other reasons do you need! Kisses to all of you!

  • At 8:39 AM, Blogger Alena said…

    Hi Eli,
    well done, absolutly great. I am realy sure that I will come. 100%
    for me is best the first weekend on 10.,11.,12.
    See you soon - now I start to belive of this sentense.

  • At 10:29 AM, Blogger Eli "Hey PEOPLE!!!" said…

    Cool! seems that this is working!!

  • At 6:46 AM, Blogger karuchan said…

    Hi Catalan-Sister!!
    Of course it's a good idea :) For me it's better the first weekend for the same reason of Lucie. I don't know yet if I will manage to come: it depends, as usual, on the money. But if I get a job in september hopefully I'll come to Barcelona: it's one of my favourite cities and I want to meet you all!!



  • At 3:38 PM, Blogger Annalisa said…

    Hi Eli, that's a great idea!! I want very very badly to come and see all of you, and visit the city where you live!...going together around Barcelona: La Sagrada Familia, Park Guell... I've never been in Barcelona!...For me it's better the second week end: 17, 18, 19 of November!! It would be great to meet all of you every year in a different country...!

  • At 3:04 AM, Blogger moi.elise said…

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  • At 3:09 AM, Blogger moi.elise said…

    YES!! This is so caffi!! Come on, we can do it! I guess the first weekend is the winner, but let's be fair and wait until the 30th to decide.

    Is there anybody who would not come if the meeting was not in the weekend you prefer? I hope there's not, because I really want to see you all!

    And where are those Erasmus missing?

  • At 11:14 AM, Blogger Alena said…

    Hi people,
    I am so happy that we will do this meeting and alomost everybody can come. Great, grat, great.
    See you soon!!!!!!!!


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