HEY PEOPLE!!! We are late!!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Jacqueline, Andrea and Eli together in VIENNA!


On sunday we met in viena! jacqueline was in viena with Andrew (her boyfriend) and Heidi (a friend) so we stayed at Andrews place! But today we have gone to Graz, so right now im writing this from andreas rooooooom!!!! isnt it incredible!!

we are here, together! remembering erasmus...we just saw andreas erasmus photo album and well....we send for each of you 3 kisses (one from each of us ok?)

We are happy to be here, we are having nice days, and I just want to thing about the good part of all this experience...today my father wrote me an email saying to me that friends that you meet when u are young are friends forever, even if you dont know when are you going to see them again, and this helped me!

I just want to put here some smiles, so you can take them whenever you want!!



  • At 3:04 AM, Blogger karuchan said…

    HEYYY I send also three kisses to the three Erasmus girls, enjoy Vienna!!!!


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