HEY PEOPLE!!! We are late!!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

It's so long since...

It's so long since I wrote for the last time...

a lots of things have happened in my life and nobody knows...so i'll try to summarize a bit!


We spent there one week and visited the hole athens (which is probably the ugliest city in the world except the monuments) and then we made a tour around the islands in a cruise!

Being inside a huge cruise is great, well, different! although i don't think I want to do it again! it's reallyy tyiring because you get up really early and then do lots of things, go to sleep late...

Let's see some pics!

YEAAAAHH!!! myself!!
Our cruise room! it was ok!
Some views...CAFFFYYYYY!!!

The symbol of Mykonos island! (popular known as the gay island)
Me and my brother doing silly things! i love him!

Historic monuments....

And this is the end of the first part!

seee yaaaaa!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Cambridge 15 & 16 August 2006

It has been so long since I uploaded tha last time....now...time to catch up!

On tuesday the 15th of aougust, Marc took me to the trein station early in the morning. I said goodbye to him with some sweet kisses...he went to work, i went to Cambridge. Why?

Because there one of my male bestfriends in Barcelona, whom is trying to learn some english, is there for 2 months.
He is Juancho, and when I came from erasmus he left, so in 7 months I just seen one day!!

Cambridge is a nice city, not very big, but there's something...maybe is because of the river, I alweys like cities with river...however, it was quite dirty...green with floating stuff...you never know whats in there!

The most famous thing of Cambridge as well as Oxford are the colleges. It's like our university I think... I'm always confused...

Some advise if you want to enter in a college without paying...in which case you have two options:

1. Pretend that you don't speak any english "i'm sorry I don't understand, me spanish" with a sorry-stupid face.

2. If there's an exit door where you can read "Entrance to visitors not allowed, please go to the main door" just...go in!!

In my opinion, although this is very beautiful and clean, I'm sure they are not allowed to lay on the grass.....buuuuuuuu, concluding...my university is better and for sure, CHEAPER!

And on the 16th ... bye bye lunch with Juancho and train to the airport! It was funny, the next pic Is just to show you the feeling when all the flights are scheduled exept yours!!

Easyjet is usually on time at the morning, but never in the afternoon. The average of delay is one hour, but this time was 1.5 h....BORED.....

And as my life since I came to barcelona since to be related with planes...well...this pic is quite representative of myself! Since I have returned from Aberdeen, exactly 2 months ago I've been traveling a lot...and I'm tired, but tomorrow I'm going to greece, so...another flight!

My average: during 8 weeks I would have taken 9 planes! PAURA!!